Board of Developmental Disabilities Services Impact

Board of Developmental Disabilities Services Impact
The Montgomery County Board of Developmental Disabilities Services (MCBDDS) seeks to have residents in community housing or staying in their own home instead of in institutions. MCBDDS seeks to provide funding that allows residents to stay in their own home for as long as possible. Funding such as Individual Options Waivers allows people to stay in a community setting.
# of individuals in institutions: A certain number of people with developmental disabilities have complex, medical, behavioral and/or mental health needs, sometimes co-occurring, that require an institutional level of care. Community providers are limited in their ability to deliver services cost effectively to these high-need populations and to leverage economies of scale.
Federal and state funding and rules may need to evolve to provide sufficient funding to make it viable for community providers to be reimbursed at a level that allows for expansion of their business model. We anticipate the number of persons receiving institutional care to remain flat or increase slightly until resources catch up to demand.
# of people utilizing respite services: Many times caregivers need assistance and respite stays are necessary for those who are unable to care for themselves. The number of people utilizing respite services refers to the number of people served annually through MCBDDS respite services, which allows both caregivers to share the responsibility of caregiving and generates important revenue.
Total # of providers: Agencies that provide day services, residential services, and transportation to people with development disabilities are experiencing an unprecedented workforce recruitment crisis that is affecting service delivery and prospects for expansion.
Status Legend: On Target | Caution | Needs Improvement | No Information
Status Legend: On Target | Caution
Needs Improvement | No Information
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